Weekend Links: May 14, 2016

This week I’ve gotten a little farther into my Dune readalong, though not as far as I’d like. Unfortunately, I’ve still been dealing with some seasonal allergy and sinus issues (Thanks, Cincinnati spring!) and a bout of sort of generalized malaise that I’m trying to avoid nurturing into a full blown depressive episode. Instead, I’ve been trying to take it easy and go out in the sunshine when it’s available and avoid negative news, which is harder than you’d think. In any case, as a result, I haven’t actually done much internet reading this week aside from some entertainment news and a few author interviews.

Supergirl finally got its second season renewal confirmed, but with mixed news. Season two will be at the CW instead of CBS. The show always felt more like a CW show, and it seems like a better fit for that network, but I am concerned about the likely smaller budget it will receive over there. Still, I’m happy to see the show going on. Its first season was a mixed bag, but maybe season two will see Supergirl hit its stride.

Ronald D. Moore and Bryan Cranston are putting together a new sci-fi anthology series based on the works of Philip K. Dick.  On the one hand, I’m always glad to see a new sci-fi project getting made. On the other hand, I’d love to see something new and different instead of these endless reinterpretations of classic material.

On that note, I was excited to hear that an upcoming short story by Ken Liu, “The Hidden Girl,” has been optioned for film.

The first pictures from the upcoming Fox production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show are looking pretty decent. Laverne Cox looks incredible in costume.

It’s Eurovision Weekend! Which is the actual most wonderful time of the year.

I haven’t been completely able to avoid bad news this week, sadly. It was no surprise, however, to learn that sci-fi media coverage continues, in 2016, to be mostly by and about men. Because of course it is.

LitHub explains why fiction needs more women scientists.

Hodderscape takes us around the world with 18 book recommendations.

Book Riot suggests 5 queer comics for sci-fi fans.

Find out what Ursula K. LeGuin thinks you ought to read.

Fantasy Faction takes a look at the opposite of the Hero’s Journey.

Tor.com has a great piece on modern witches in fiction.

Ada Palmer’s superb Too Like the Lightning came out this week, and I’m slowly working my way through it because it’s a big, beautiful, challenging novel that deserves to be savored. In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying reading her interviews and guest posts when I come across them.

Finally, if you’ve enjoyed Michael R. Underwood’s first couple of Genrenauts novellas, published through Tor.com, you will want to check out his Kickstarter, which aims to publish the rest of Season One of the series by the end of this year.


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