
IMG_20170420_133405Science Fiction. Fantasy. Feminism.

Come here for book reviews, television recaps, occasional film coverage, listicles and weekly link posts to what’s good on the internet. Enjoy my sometimes uncritical fangirling over The Expanse and my love-hate relationship with Game of Thrones, and be sure to check my reading lists if you’re looking for something good to read.

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You can also email me at sfbluestocking (at) gmail (dot) com.

Review Policy

I currently plan my reading out three months at a time, roughly corresponding to seasons, so much of what I read and review is set well in advance. However, I always account for a few flexible spaces in my schedule that I like to fill with recommendations and requests.

This year, I’ve been specifically looking to read more books by LGBTQA authors, and I’m on the hunt for debut novels and short fiction collections, especially by authors producing #OwnVoices work. I read speculative fiction of most kinds, though I primarily focus on fantasy and sci-fi, and I love getting recommendations for new and exciting books.

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Sci-fi and Fantasy books, tv, films, and feminism