Weekend Links: March 19, 2016

Well, it probably goes without saying that this has been a somewhat slow week for me in terms of internet reading. I had the idea, early in the week, to do a full read-through of Up and Coming: Stories by the 2016 Campbell-Eligible Authors, but to get it done before the Hugo and Campbell award nominations are do, I have to get through ten authors a day for twelve out of the fifteen days between when I had the idea and when the final deadline is. Parts One through Four are finished and posted, and my goal for the rest of the weekend is to try and get a little ahead of my reading for this week so I won’t be working from breakfast til past midnight on it every day.

If you’d like to read along–which I highly recommend, since it’s an excellent story collection–you can still download Up and Coming for free at Bad Menagerie. If you want to know what you’re getting into first, SF Signal posted the full table of contents for the book, which is a monstrous 3k pages, 1.1 million words.

Artist Ariel Hart has made a Lisa Frank tarot deck, which is very silly but also delightful.

Terry Pratchett is the newest recipient of SFWA’s Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award.

Apparently a previously unpublished H.P. Lovecraft manuscript has surfaced.

Blastr published a great piece on the women writers behind the original series of Star Trek.

N.K. Jemisin got to see Hamilton.

There’s a great piece about Rat Queens over at Lady Business.

Fandom Following talks Game of Thrones and Acedia.

At LitHub, Junot Diaz and Hilton Als talk about masculinity, science fiction, and writing as an act of defiance.

Charlie Jane Anders was on Midnight in Karachi.

Michael R. Underwood talked about Genrenauts and some other stuff on the Once and Future Podcast.




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