Weekend Links: October 17, 2015

Tor.com has revealed another new round of novella covers for us to drool over. I’m probably most excited about Mary Robinette Kowal’s Forest of Memory. I loved her novelette, “The Lady Astronaut of Mars” when I read it earlier this year, though I haven’t gotten around to reading her Glamourist Histories yet.

At Blackgate, Tor.com’s Mordicai Knode explains, “Why novellas?” This confirms a lot of my own feelings about the current sort of renaissance in short fiction and how ebooks are a perfect format for short novels and novella-length work.

For the 10th anniversary of her book, Twilight author Stephenie Meyer published a gender swap AU of it to, I guess, prove that it’s not sexist. Feministing has a great rundown of how this proves just the opposite.

A bunch of folks from Nightmare Magazine’s Queers Destroy Horror! issue did a Reddit AMA.

At Publisher’s Weekly, Ann Leckie gives us her list of 10 best science fiction books, and it’s a good one, a mix of some old standards and some unexpected titles.

Speaking of Ann Leckie, she’ll be appearing in Microsoft’s Future Visions collection, along with Elizabeth Bear, Greg Bear, David Brin, Nancy Kress, Jack McDevitt, Seanan McGuire, and Robert J. Sawyer. It will be available for free on all ebook platforms on November 17.

There’s a new Ken Liu story, “Crystal”, available now at Daily Science Fiction.

Mythcreants writes about five dualities that can replace good and evil in fiction.

Brain Pickings has collected a bunch of things smart people have said about artificial intelligence.

In These Times interviews Margaret Atwood.

Rich in Color lists six of their favorite 2015 SFF books.

Tor.com hates Pan, but this review describes so much failure that it actually makes me want to go see the film.

MTV’s Shannara Chronicles gets a full length trailer and an air date. I feel like I’m much more excited about this show than I ought to be.


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